Malayalam Transliteration Tool

Malayalam Transliteration Tool

Malayalam Transliteration Tool

Malayalam to English Transliteration tool

Machine Transliteration is the practice of converting a character or word written in one language to another .Machine transliteration can play an important role in natural language application such as information retrieval and machine translation, especially for handling proper nouns and technical terms, cross language applications, data mining and information retrieval system. This tool is to convert a malayalam name entity to corresponding English word. This model is implemented using Machine learning Technique,kCRF(Conditional Random Fields).

CRF is a class of statistical modeling method used for structured prediction. A CRF can take context into account; that predicts sequences of labels for sequences of input samples.

In this tool ,syllables are trained using CRF.The input to this tool is malayalam named entity and the output is corresponding English word.

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