Social Computing

Assistive Technology

For most of us technology makes things easier, but for persons with disabilities it makes things possible

Assistive technology is one of the core area for intervention by ICFOSS. Particular focus of the intervention in the last year was on motor disability. In this year, while continuing the work last year, we shall focus on releasing more tools. Over this period ICFOSS made national and international collaborations including the MoUs signed with Ministry if Social Justice Department, Govt. of India & University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Austria. The technology development strategy adopted by the team was to identify a potential user and build tool sets to address the specific needs of that person. Once technology is developed for a person, the team will go for generalizing. Of this kind was the launch of T-slide Mouse by Chief Minister of Kerala on May 2018.

GIS Mapping & Drone Technology

The GIS-Drone team at ICFOSS focuses on projecting the possibilities that can be explored by different organizations in our state which would empower them to shift from conventional to systematic and progressive approach.

The use of drone based technologies in public sector activities will support effective decision making leading to overall efficiency. The current use-cases like power-line mapping for KSEB enable the public sector company to get a holistic view of their network. The affordable drones can enable the possibilities at Local Self Governance
level in resource mapping, watershed management etc. Introducing drones and GIS based solutions to public will also generate interests in entrepreneurs and students to take up locally relevant projects, this lead to the creation of Open Drone Community, and a Open Drone Summit to facilitate it.

Local Language Computing

Language technology deals with methods of how computer programs or electronic devices can analyze, produce, modify or respond to human texts and speech.